About Steve

Steve can talk to your animals
and tell you what they are thinking,
feeling and trying to say

Contact Steve with expressions of interest..

Many years ago as a young man, I watched my Dad develop his gift of healing, I thought nothing of it at the time.

However, as I worked extensively with animals over the last 18 years there was a point when I could no longer ignore the way I was able to connect with many of them, and ‘hear’ what they wanted to say, sometimes I chose not to, as many of their stories were too harrowing, this, conversely is the very thing that has compelled me to develop my ability to communicate, or ‘talk’ to them, and boy have I heard some great stories. 

There maybe many reasons why you may want to find out what your pet has to say, no one ever regrets knowing what there much loved companion really thinks, its very helpful for understanding and perhaps making changes, often small, and seeing the difference in their life.

Larger animals have needs that can be overlooked, out there in the paddock or pen, large, small and everything in between are beautiful creatures worthy of being listened to.

In my employment I’ve conducted Bite safety talks in schools, kindy’s, workplace, community industrial and corporate groups, these are very popular, and I can incorporate animal information relevant to the group. 

Check out my testimonials and read how I’ve been able to pass on valuable information to guardians of some pretty cool animals.

With my home base in Tauranga I travel to shows around the North Island of New Zealand, and visit clients, working one on one with their animals.

Contact me with expressions of interest for travel to, and group consultations Worldwide.

I also work at a distance, over the phone or email using photos of pets/animals.

I look forward to working with you and your pets, as you discover for the first time what they really think……….!

Contact Steve the Animal Whisperer