Customer Reviews

Steve can talk to your animals
and tell you what they are thinking,
feeling and trying to say

Contact Steve with expressions of interest..

Customer Reviews

“Steve listened to me and was able to interpret for my mum. She’s nice enough but I get confused about what I am and what I am not allowed to do.

She now knows (thanks to Steve) that I don’t trust motorbikes because I was hit by one. My mum didn’t know this because I couldn’t tell her. Also…I told Steve about the tyre toy I liked.

She got one for me but it’s not the one I used to have before!”


“I was amazed how Steve was able to tune into how our dog was feeling. Without any hype or pretence he was able to sense and tell me what “Teddy” needed to feel safe and purposeful.

As well as communicating an emotional message to me from our pet; Steve also gave me practical ideas of how to better cater for the individual needs of our dog on a daily basis.

I came away from my meeting with Steve feeling empowered to help tune into the needs of our dog more positively on all levels and much better equipped to create a stronger connection. I felt the reading from Steve was very genuine, sensitive and illuminating and I value the opportunity to have had this experience.

Thanks again Steve, I’ll be sure to keep in touch with progress reports! Kathy ”


“Recently I acquired a 7 year old Peruvian Paso horse, whom I had been told had been pushed too hard and lost his confidence. Steve came and spoke with him and we were able to get a much clearer picture of his past and that in turn gave us a better idea of how to proceed with gaining his trust and helping him overcome some of his fears.

I am pleased to say that he has improved greatly.

This is not the first time I have had Steve chat to my animals, and I find it both incredibly interesting and very helpful. The animals seem to enjoy it too, though sometimes they are in too much of a hurry to talk for long, before they are off doing something else”


“I heard of Steve through a good friend of mine and thought I would get him to talk to to my dog. The result was amazing he told me that her ear was sore, I must admit I thought nothing of it as she showed no sign whatsoever of having a sore ear, but when I took her for her next vet check, low and behold the vet said she had a redness deep inside the ear, I was totally blown away.

I have had Steve back a few times to talk to my other dogs and he has been right on the button every time. He has even helped my daughter with her dogs in Australia via email. I would highly recommend him to anyone who wants to know what there animals are thinking/ feeling”.


Contact Steve the Animal Whisperer